Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Frames!

(please excuse my awful groggy, no-make up, morning face. I'll post a better one on IG once my real face is on :)

Can you believe these bad boys were FREE?! was offering a 'First Pair Free' special up that ended Friday, and I was lucky enough to hear about it from IG friends and order a pair! I seriously only had to pay for shipping y'all! That means I got this fabulous pair of Derek Cardigan glasses for under $8! Amazeballs.
Unfortunately the deal is over (super sad face, I want another pair!) but if you get a chance, go check out their site anyway. They have some really bad ass frames and are almost always offering some sort of crazy-awesome deal. Check them out here!

xo, L

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Today I thought I'd share a my newest edition of ink! I got this done about two weeks ago, so shes nice and healed now. Its just an outline, so I still need to add color and thicken the black lines, but this is what the budget permitted for, and I'm pretty happy with it as is for now! Its inspired by one of my very Pink Floyd songs, from hands down my favorite Pink Floyd album, Wish You Were Here, and 100% drawn and designed by me! Enjoy!


xo, L

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How I lost my phone on 4.20

So heres what happened...
Yesterday Ro and I were out thrifting and running errands with Sylas, (Cash was with the in laws). We needed to stop at Walmart for a couple of things, so we decided Ro would drop Sylas and I off at Walmart to grab the groceries, while he ran to Game Stop. This was at the end of our 4 hour outing yesterday, so by this point Sylas had had ENOUGH of being his carseat and was screaming bloody murder. Not to mention at the thrift store (with no changing table in the bathroom) right before, he took a massive runny dump that soaked him and the carseat in shit.
So Ro pulls up to the door, I grab the diaper bag and my screaming, poop covered child and run into Walmart. I grab a cart and make a bee line for the bathroom in the front. Its being cleaned.... F*$&! Sylas is in full meltdown mode at this point and was screaming. LOUD. Everyone across the store stared at me as I frantically rushed to the back in search of the bathroom. But where the hell was is? Its not where they always are! Between shoes and electronics! Thats where they ALWAYS are! Why is this one different?! Why did we stop at this Walmart?! We never come to this one! And where the HELL is the effing bathroom!?
It was aweful. My eyes filled with tears and I stopped walking and stood in the isle, defeated, screaming baby in tow. I looked around for someone who worked there and thankfully, saw and asked a janitor who led me in the right direction. Back the entire way I'd come and then some. I sped past the same judgemental eyes I'd seen before, and finally found that bloody  family bathroom. I got in there, got Sylas out of the carseat, laid him on the changing table and took a look at the damage. There was poop everywhere. All over his back and front. Thank god Id packed an extra outfit. So I reached for the supplies in the diaper bag to get started. No friggin wipes.... or powder. Are you kidding me!? I had to strip him down and attempt to clean him with wet paper towels. No bueno. This sucked! But I did finally get him mostly clean, into dry clothes, and sitting like a big boy in the front of the basket without the carseat. So he was happy. I washed my hands and we headed out towards grocery. About half way there I started looking for my phone, to call Ro and tell him how much that totally blew. No dice... My phone was gone! Not in my bra, where I usually keep it, not in my purse or in Sylas' carrier. Uggggghhh! I raced back to the bathroom and the kid that went in when I'd left was still in there. I waited for him to come out, scanned him for Iphone sized buldges (negative), and searched the entire bathroom Id just left... nothing. No phone. It was gone. Luckily, Ro had been trying to call me shortly after he dropped us off and when he couldnt get ahold of me, came back to Walmart looking for us. I told him what happened and we looked again in the bathroom, then in the car and found nothing. I was so frazzled getting out of the car and coming in that I couldnt even remember when I had it last! Did it fall out of my lap when I got out of the car? Did I set it on top of the car when I was getting Sylas out and left it when he drove off?! It was toast! Or did I bring it in and leave it in the bathroom for someone to snag... ?? We'll never know. And now Im phoneless, and its torture. I feel like Ive lost a limb! :(

RIP my dear, sweet iPhone. I miss you every second of the day...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back To The Grind!

Happy Monday y'all!

We had a pretty good weekend in the Birdhouse (aka, our house, since everyone says it looks like a little bird house)! Friday night, after the kids were down, the mister went out with some friends to play pool, so this mama got the whole house to herself! WOOT! I chose to spend it vegging out on the couch, sipping wind, watching Parentood on Netflix and trolling blogs. Pretty exciting stuff, huh? Saturday morning the in laws picked up Cash to take him to a kids carnival with his cousins all day, and ended up keeping him over night. We had a pretty chill day here, I caught up on some cleaning, we played games, and that night a few friends came over and we drank beer and played Hot Shots Golf. We're loving that game right now, and play it most nights. You can play with up to four people so its so much fun when we have people over, which is often. Sunday morning my dad called to say he and my step mom would be coming into SA and wanted to meet for lunch! Yesss! Free lunch! And they always go somewhere nice, so we love it when they come into town. Luckily the in laws dropped Cash off just in time and we headed to The Rim to meet them at BJ's. We originally planned to go to Red Robin, but there was a wait so we went next door to BJ's. We'd been there before and both the service and food was mediocre, but we decided to try it again anyway. Unfortunately, it was the same. But my folks had were having so much fun with the boys that it didn't really matter. Cash was showing off all his smarty pants tricks, spelling, counting, and naming colors and shapes, while Sylas hammed it up like his usual adorable self. They're so cute together. Anyway, afterward we decided to go over to Boerne to their new humongous HEB for a little grocery shopping. It was a pretty great time, and they totally hooked me up with a bunch of groceries (including 2 HUGE bottles of wine and stuffed salmon that I'm planning to make tonight!) and even filled up my car! WOOT! I love my parents. They're pretty fantastic. And I absolutely love seeing them with the boys. Even my step mom, who has never really cared for kids, LOVES the boys. Especially Cash, she has so much fun with him and its pretty awesome to see. So we said goodbye and came back home for a relaxing rest of the day.
Today its back to the grind! I got up early this morning, knees feeling good, and did day two of the 30 Day Shred! Stamina wise, I could tell it was easier for me than the first day, but still butt kicking. My knees were another story. By the end, I couldn't even walk or move. My knees were THROBBING and I wanted to cry from the pain. So I grabbed an anti-inflammatory, sat down, and elevated my poor knees. Thankfully, now I'm feeling a lot better. I think I just need to take this thing one day at a time, keep resting and icing between workouts, and keep up the hard work. I had a Dr's appointment on Friday afternoon, where they told me Id lost 8lbs. (Thats a total of 19 in the last almost 3 months) I'm not going to lie, I was more than disappointed. Ive been working out hard this month and completely changed my diet for the better, yet somehow lost less than last month. I came home and measured myself, thinking that I'd see the results better there. Nope. I only lost a total of ONE lousy inch! GRRRR.... this knee pain only let me work out 3 days last week, and Ro's parents brought over a package of cookies (UGH) that we snuck into a couple times so I know I hadnt been as good as I was weeks before, but still, SO discouraging. I was pretty bummed, and spend much of the day sulking. BUT its my own fault. I need to get serious and stay strict with myself if I want to see the results I'm looking for. Also, we'll be investing in a scale so we can stay on top of daily weight better. So I'm vowing that this week will be better!

Hope you all had a great weekend and a happy, happy Monday!
Thats all for now...

xo, L

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The (WAY late) Easter Post.

I know, I know.. Easter was last weekend. Better late than never, right?

We had a pretty good little Easter, nothing to crazy. Saturday we took the kids to an Easter Party/Egg Hunt at Lackland AFB with Ro's parents and their cousins. They had a DJ, dance floor, tons of food, and the Easter Bunny even made an appearance! We managed to get a photo of him and Sylas, but Cash wasn't having it. Oh well, pick your battles. Best part, they gave away mass amounts of cheesy popcorn! SCORE! We ended up coming home with 2 bags and a box full of cheesy popcorn goodness! Yesss, *fat kid dance*
Easter Sunday, we just went over to the SIL's and spent the day with the whole family. She had BBQ, another egg hunt, and a whole lotta wine. It was good times.

Here's the proof in photos!

Lackland AFB

Cousins!                                                            Egg Hunter                 
Ro's parents dressed the boys that day btw....
Cool chin sticker dude                            Lovins from Daddy
Gramma and Cashy made Sylas his own customized visor
 Yeah those shorts were a little tight...                         Rather eat than dance
                     'What the.....????' 

Easter Sunday at Tia's

Ro does his best impression of a potato 
Mucho better
My Easter outfit
Daddy and Sylas, in the cutest little vintage romper EVER

Our 1st Easter as a family of four

 Hydrating for the hunt
Found one! 
"Dare! Eggzzz!!"

Hope y'alls Easter was grand!

xo, L

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Woes

So here's whats got me down folks… The mister and I started a pretty big life change about 2 and a half weeks ago. We started running 2 miles every day, we became more conscious about what and how much  we were eating, and we entirely cut out regular soda (gasp!) from our diet. Anyone who knows us, knows how much we both LOVE soda. I really really do. Drink of choice, hands down, is a coke, on the rocks, with a straw. But, those days are over. We both were so tired of not being happy with how we look. Me especially I think. Since having Sylas, Ive been in complete disgust of my body and have let it ruin parts of my life. Ive developed social anxiety, I'm forever uncomfortable in my skin, and I get edgy and uneasy around people. I found myself avoiding going out in public, or socializing at all because of this intense self loathing and self consciousness. Its ridiculous, I know, but I cant help it. So, instead of being a victim of insecurities, I decided I needed to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And as soon as I started, it kicked Ro into gear and he joined me. So that’s exactly what we’ve been doing. At first the running was brutal. I was SO out of shape and we both spent the whole first week sore as hell. The second week, the soreness went away, the run got easier, and we both started feeling a little bit better of ourselves. The end of each week was an accomplishment! We’d tell anyone who’ll listen how we run 2 miles every day. It became such a great start to every day. At the beginning of the second week, I took measurements of my body so a week later when I re-measured, I could see the results for myself. I lost 5 whole inches!! In only ONE week! I was ecstatic, and honestly say I felt smaller. Everything was going great. But then, the second Friday of running I started getting some pretty severe knee pain. So I figured, after resting the weekend, Id be fine by this Monday. And after seeing my measurement results, I was stoked to start running again! Monday came around, and I could tell just getting out of bed that my knees were still sore. But I ran anyway, with pain in every step. By the end of the run the pain was pretty intense and persisted for the rest of the day. I couldn’t even move my knees without severe pain, let alone walk on them. That night I ended up having to take pain meds since, even at rest, my knees throbbed. So yesterday I decided I definitely needed to rest them again. This sucked! Here I was, losing 5 inches in a week from this running, accomplishing my main goal in life right now, because of this awesome source of cardio, and now I cant do it anymore. My body just wont let me! I did some research and am pretty sure I developed a pretty bad case of Runner’s Knee. No bueno. So yesterday I mowed the front and back lawn instead of running, and at the end I really felt like it was an equivalent workout, but my knees were still killing me. And that brings us to today. Knees are still too sore to run, so I skipped it AGAIN. I'm friggin pissed at this point. I just want to run and get in shape and feel good about myself! But my body will not let me. *lesigh. That, plus Ive got a wisdom tooth that has been KILLING me lately, but I don’t have insurance or the cash to take care of it right now, so I'm stuck. Stuck with  throbbing tooth and knees,  and a big fat ass that I cant work out to get rid of.
The mister says we can invest in some craigslist bikes and start biking instead of running, which is awesome, but we have to wait a week or two to get some since right now we’re saving all our money for Reggae Fest in Austin next weekend. The in laws are gonna keep the boys all day and overnight so we can go! I'm SO stoked. But id hoped to lose some more poundage before! My plan now is to go to Walmart today and pick up Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Maybe if I do this instead of running for 30 days, I’ll lose enough weight so that running is easier. If not then we’ll start biking! Bottom line, I'm not giving up. I may be side lined today (which I feel like complete shit about) BUT tomorrow is another day and now that Ive seen what this change is doing for my body, I'm DETERMINED to continue. I want to get all the way down to my pre-Cashy weight, and I know this is how to do it!
Thanks for listening to me whine, and Happy Hump Day y'all!

Xo, L

Ps. Easter blog to come later today J

Friday, April 6, 2012

*Thift Store Scores* : Kansas Edition

Happy Friday yall! Ive decided to kick my Friday morning into gear by posting, as promised, my thift store scores from our Kansas Vaca! (and even some things I didnt get and wish I would have).

 The Salvation Army in the little town in Kansas where my mom lives was the Holy Grail of vintage sheets and blankets. I snagged two blankets (top), a set of pillow cases (bottom left), and 3 sheets (bottom right) that Im hoping to make into curtains for the house.

THIS. Ive been looking for one of these for quite some time, so of course I snagged it right off the wall... for $1 (!!!) 
 Cute little wall hanging that currently resides in my kitchen.
I honestly could not believe it when I spotted these hand painted, wooden Matryoshkas. So amazing, and only $2!
Little owl to add to my collection.

 Cash got to pick one toy, and he's REALLY into the alphabet and counting right now so this was perfect!

 And lastly, the big daddy purchase of the trip, my perfect condish, $40 vintage sofa that I could NOT leave Kansas without purchacing. I found her on our second day in Kansas and could not shut up about her the entire trip. It was love at first sight. I honestly thought I was going to have to pass her up, since we had no way to get her back to Texas, BUT my dad had told me he was planning a trip to KS this summer, so I called him to see if he'd be able to pick it up from my moms while he was here and bring it back to Texas for me. And he said yes (!!!), and my mommy even bought it for me and stored it in her garage. I could not be more excited about this couch. We are so desperately in need of a new (old), sturdy, comfortable couch, and she meets- nay, excells in all these catagories. I cannot wait to finally get her down here and settled into our home.

  And lastly, some things I am kicking myself for not getting...

 These cannisters.... I found these on my last day in KS. I REALLY loved them and wanted to snag them, but couldnt justify spending $6 on them, when I already have an overabundance of cannisters at home. But when I showed the picture to the mister, he loved them too, so we planned to swing by the Goodwill on our way out of town... but they were closed. :( So we didnt get them. Such a bummer.
I know, I know... I totally should have gotten this little gem, but Cash had already gotten his alphabet desk and Im pretty sure he wouldnt have played with this too much, since all it did was open the cash register when you turn the handle... so I chose the learning toy.
These three things were at the Salvation Army, and both the clock and the brown leather chairs were a bit over priced, and the yellow floral chairs had rips in the seat and were wobbly, so I opted out. In retrospect, I really wish we would have budgeted a little lot more for thrifting. I would have LOVED to take those brown chairs home!

Welp, thats all for now.
Hope yall have a great weekend!

xo, L